
Wide Stripe Icon Rug

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When Kasthall Design Studio made the decision to relaunch the classic pattern Wide Stripe from the Arkad pattern family, much time was spent on research to find just the right colour combinations. The four different colour combinations have drawn inspiration from the Scandinavian colour palette, thus more subtle tones such as grey-green and light blue, but with the addition of two more contrasting colours such as yellow and midnight black in a checkered contrast to an off-white base. A combination of pattern and colours that will not grow old, yet always suited for modern homes.

Woven rug in pure wool

Midnight Black, Grey Pear, Polarised Blue, Sunny Day

Suggested sizes: 90x240 cm, 140x200 cm, 170x240 cm, 200x300 cm, 250x350 cm, 300x400 cm, 350x450 cm

Custom made sizes: choose width between 70-600 cm and any length.