
Evelina Kroon After Noon Sky Rug

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In collaboration with renowned Scandinavian artist Evelina Kroon, Layered introduces a collection that explores the boundary between art and interior design. With references to traditional female craftsmanship, four rugs are presented that balance tight graphic expression with a color palette that dares to challenge. The result is a collection that conveys both timelessness and a confident modern statement at the same time.

The rugs presented by Evelina Kroon x Layered in the collection “A walk in the park” springs from the impressions of a park in transformation - from beautiful flowers and spring rain to the changing, decaying shades of autumn. It is introduced with the hope of a collection that will remind us of how interior design can be fun, challenging and beautiful. Where tradition, history and the present are woven together in a collection that will stand the test of time.

100% wool

Available Sizes
180×270 cm
250×350 cm
300x400 cm